Saturn 5 Photography - 2006-10-28-football-IU_vs_MSU Gallery
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On the 28th of October 2006, the Michigan State University Spartans came to Bloomington, IN. to play the Hoosiers at Memorial Stadium. IU needed to pick up the game to keep their bowl hopes alive, and MSU needed the win to salvage their season.

It was a good game.... if you were an IU fan. IU's defense held MSU to just 21 points (14 of which came in the 4th quarter, when things started to get sloppy), and their offense managed to gallup to 46 points.

It was a beautiful day, and a fine win. But then.... every day is a little brighter, the breeze smells better, the traffic is lighter, and even the tap water tastes better when you beat up on Michigan State.

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